What is Domino?


Domino is a generic term for the small rectangular black-and-white pieces used to play games of chance or skill. Some people like to line them up in straight rows and then knock them over; others prefer to build intricate domino constructions. Dominoes are usually arranged so that one end of the first piece matches the open end of the next, and this pattern can be extended infinitely to create beautiful, rhythmic constructions. When a person knocks over a sequence of dominoes that has been carefully laid out, the last domino falls in a cascade of action that is sometimes called a domino effect.

In the past, domino was also used to refer to a long, hooded cloak worn in conjunction with a mask for carnival or masquerade events. In modern use, however, the word domino is mostly confined to the board game.

The most common domino sets contain 28 tiles with dots on the faces and numbered pip ends. Each tile has a specific function depending on the rules of the game. Usually, the numbers on the tiles indicate which side of the domino they should be played against. For example, a domino with two 0s on its face is played facing the table while a domino with one 0 is placed facing the player.

While many different games can be played with a domino set, the most popular is probably the block game, where each player takes turns placing their tiles on the table. Once all players have placed their tiles, the game continues until someone cannot place a new tile or has no more dominoes to lay. Then, the player “knocks” or raps the table and play passes to the other player. In some variants of this game, a player may have to pay for the privilege of playing his or her last domino.

In addition to being a fun game for kids, domino is an excellent way to learn the basic principles of physics. In a 1983 experiment by University of British Columbia physicist Lorne Whitehead, he demonstrated that a domino has the potential to knock over objects about one-and-a-half times its size when the first domino is pushed just slightly over its tipping point.

This is because of the inertia of the first domino, which keeps it from falling unless some outside force pushes on it. When the first domino is tapped, however, its inertia becomes potential energy, which can be harnessed to push on other dominoes.

Another fascinating aspect of the domino is its ability to create artistic designs when it is placed on a flat surface. Domino art can include straight lines, curved lines, grids that form pictures when they fall, stacked walls, and 3D structures such as pyramids.

Similarly, a story can be seen as a series of scenes, or dominoes, that lead to the ending of the story. Each scene domino is ineffective on its own, but when arranged in the right order, they will naturally impact each other and lead to the conclusion of the story.